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NBC Respected For Supporting Vicoba Day

The Minister for Finance and Planning Hon. Dr. Philip Mpango sharing a light moment with the audience while delivering his key note address to 1,000 delegates during the first VICOBA Day launch in Dar es Salaam. NBC was one of the main sponsors of the VICOBA Day.
The Minister for Finance and Planning Hon. Dr. Philip Mpango presenting a certificate of appreciation to the NBC Retail Banking Director Filbert Mponzi for sponsoring the first VICOBA Day in Dar es Salaam. In between the two is Sihaba Nkinga Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Health, community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children. NBC was one of the main sponsors of the VICOBA Day.
The Executive Secretary of National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) Ben’gi Issa delivering her opening speech during the launch of the first VICOBA Day in Dar es Salaam. The VICOBA day was officially launched by the Minister for Finance and Planning Hon. Dr. Philip Mpango. NBC was one of the main sponsors of the VICOBA Day.
A cross section view of the 1,000 delegates attending the first VICOBA Day launch celebrations in Dar es Salaam. The VICOBA day was officially launched by the Minister for Finance and Planning Hon. Dr. Philip Mpango. NBC was one of the main sponsors.

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